Life Insurance

Four Main Categories of Life Insurance

How Do You Know Which Is For You?

Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance

Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Why Life Insurance?

What is Life Insurance?

 The definition below defines this product so clearly and simply.

Definition of Life Insurance:

life in·sur·ance

ˈlīf inˌSHo͝orəns/


noun: life insurance

Insurance that pays out a sum of money either on the death of the insured person or after a set period.

There are so many different ways to use Life Insurance other than just a death payout for instance, did you realize permanent life insurance can be used for planning a college fund for your child, retirement for yourself, or even needed cash to expand your business down the road? For example they can be used for planning a college fund for your child, retirement for yourself, and so many other options. Most people haven't been told how powerful a well designed Life Insurance policy can truly be. Too many times people assume a one size fits all applies to life insurance as well. Let us help you explore the many options beyond what we have outlined on our website. Schedule a call to see how we can guide you towards the best option for you.

Here are a few examples of other applications:

1) Keeps a business going following Owner’s Death

2) Cheaper to finance Real Estate

3) No “Market Risk” or “Inflation Risk”

4) Exellent Rate of Return

5) Practial Funding for Business Buyouts

6) As a Tool for Mergers and Acquistions

7) Shields Employer from Cash-Flow Interruptions

8) Lowers Cost of Investment Capital

9) Provide a Solid Financial Foundation

10) Coverage can be bought with Pre-Tax Corporate Dollars

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